Tag Archives: chiloé

Fiber Arts

There are times in my life when I have the understanding that I am at the right place at the right time. This usually occurs while I am surrounded by the wilderness, alone fly fishing on a small mountain stream, or (the majority of the time) making art. These moments bring clarity to why I […]

Ahuenco – part II

Our hike into the park allowed us a few wonderful days of rest. We filled our time with playing cards, exploring the beach, taking naps (my favorite), and eating. Our campsite was tucked in the trees, keeping us safe from the winds. We also make time to hang out with the locals. The amount of […]

Parque Ahuenco

Our work stay at Jeroen’s farm went from Monday to Friday. His farm has limited resources, so it is important for the wwoofers to go on an adventure for the weekend. Jeroen also works as an expedition to guide, so he isn’t here on the weekends. He graciously set us up with a 4 day […]

Dreams and Farming

Our lives have been moving rather quickly lately, so I want to take some time to speak on our experience at Alihuen in Chepu, Chiloé. We arrived on Monday, the 20th, for a two-week stay. Jeroen (the owner) is from Belgium and has been living in Chile for 9 years. His wife, Grecia, is from […]


Writing makes me tired, so a picture synopsis of Ancud is best… Locals harvesting seaweed along the beach. Empanadas and rodeos. Hostel Mundo Nuevo. Local fish market.


What is the best way to experience a culture? Eating! And oh have we been eating… Neither Allie or myself are big on eating out, here or at home. Sometimes it is a necessity to just buckle down and spend some money for an authentic meal. One of these meals is curanto. Curanto is a […]

Escultura de Chiloé

The Island of Chiloé is know for its mythical creatures. In my experience, when mythology exists so does the imagination to create art. While experiencing the food and music of Ancud’s fiesta, we came across a man sculpting these fables out of stone. This artist reminded me of my good friend from San Diego, Roberto […]

Two Weeks Later…

I wrote a post about our Ancud experience, but wordpress wasn’t working and then we lost the internet for two lovely weeks! So here you are, penguins and rodeos, a few weeks later 🙂 Chiloé is turning out to be just as magical as we heard. Life is different here- people move at their own […]

Stay tuned

Hey guys! I’m sorry about the lack of posting. Some of my family has voiced concern, but we are fine and well. Are current location is a small farm on the Chiloé Island, just outside the small community of Chepu. We will be heading into the city this weekend and will be able to post […]

Bus, bus, ferry, bus

I wonder what traveling conditions would be like if we simply bought motorcycles and drove the entire way south? I think the entertainment level would be high with just one bike. I also probably would have snuck Kitty (Matt’s cat, not my Kitties in Alaska) into my bag. I wouldn’t have told Allie and would […]