About Us

About Allie-
If you know me, you know I’m most likely found in the mountains, on a rock face, or planning the next adventure. I was born in Indiana and raised on the back of a horse, but wilderness has been calling me my whole life. My most formative experiences have come from a semester with the National Outdoor Leadership School, work on an Arizona trail crew, and a summer spent commercial fishing in Alaska.

About Hollis:
Hollis Swan is a nomadic soul from Soldotna, Alaska with a simple life goal of pretending he is still six years old. His life is encompassed by art, fishing, family/friends, and the ability to over work himself. Hollis prefers sleeping in a tent over a soft bed, hiking the seasons’ most brutal trail without any training, and debating over a Sunken Island IPA or perfectly roasted Yirgachefe. As long as he keeps his opportunities open, his adventures are endless.